Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Papua New Guinea:  The team in Papua New Guinea is praising God as the hydroelectric system that was dedicated on April 30th, 2014, has passed the quarter million mark by producing 250,885 kwh of energy in just 5 months. The turbine is running well and the hospital is no longer experiencing unplanned power black-outs or damaged equipment.

hydro march8Please continue to pray as the Kudjip facilities team fixes the back-up generator,  which will need to run continuously for a couple days as the reservoir is emptied and cleaned.   This is a process which must take place a few times each year as the reservoir slowly but continuously fills with stone and sand.

Additional prayer is requested for ongoing community relationships surrounding the land involved with the hydro project.   Pray that God will continue to use the challenges faced at the hospital to point people to Christ  as the team responds with steadfast truth but also with love and concern. God has done this before and we believe He will continue to work in and through these situations.

The Kudjip administration team was recently encouraged when a couple of men applying for positions with the hospital, testified that they had given their lives to the Lord through the daily devotions and crusade of the hydro-project.

Whether it be the healing touch of physicians and nurses, the witness of our characters, or the lives touched through partnership on community projects, may we continually be the hands and feet of Christ, impacting lives for the Kingdom!

Submission:  Dr. Scott Dooley – Kudjip Nazarene Hospital Administrator